I know the year just started but it’s a no brainer, duh. Here are all my reasons why….
“I’m too pregnant for this. Life is tough, get a helmut” That comment was awesome. It wasn't said for sympathy grabbing or “coddle-me-I’m-pregnant and I can't handle your darts”. No, she was above the question, not below it. She was portaying tough love towards a snowflake activist.
She rarely advertises it or uses it as a crutch. What an OG in my book. Ahh, keeping your private life private — what a concept in 2024. There are a lot of mothers in the talk media world who rarely put their families on display (for safety sake) but which ones have also risen to fame while perpetually pregnant like Candace? I’m trying to think of one mother in talk media right now who rose to highest hights of fame within the past 5 years — all while being pregnant and giving birth 3 times. I remember when Anna Kournikova lowkey announced the birth of her babies. No announcement of her pregnancy though because she kept it shrouded in privacy — most people including myself almost wondered if she hired a surrogate. I was still so impressed: another mother who did not advertise her mommyhood! Sharing and advertising are two different things and I’m always prompted to speak about such important nunaces in life as this.
I feel like mommyhood should be life changing and, if they have the modern tools to gush about it to the world (i.e. the far corners of the internet), why not? But how often do you see that spill over into clout chasing and brand making? Little do moms realize this but that is what I see most of them doing these days — and for the past 15 years since the advent of social media. I bet Candace and other private moms like her are having a terrific time in motherhood but they feel little need to display it, to virtue signal and promote ( how tempting) the feminism modern woman ideal “you can have it all.” They are not exhibitionists of their private lives, they are living out those parts of their lives behind the scenes.
Nonetheless, Candace has even been interviewed saying that, if she had to decide between one or the other, she would choose motherhood over her burgeoning career — her “4th child” as I like to call it — any day. So, we know she is thriving not just in her work but very much in motherhood, too. I say that that because I think it’s no secret in 2024 that we know so many moms (not all but alot ) who overshare their family lives on SM are trying to compensate for something or are feeling a deficent somewhere.
How tempting it would be to show her beautiful mocha babies to the public, right?! But she doesn’t do that — you can count on one hand the amount of times she has posted about her family. Some may be thinking, Is all ok in the Owens-Farmer paradise?! Yes, we just need to rebrand what is OK: it’s actually OK to keep your private life private instead of frontload your marriage and motherhood life for the world to see and comment on. Heck, her husband George doesn’t even have a social media. She must be enjoying her private life but I revel in the way she carries herself online for being such a loud persona: she rarely speaks of her kids or husband and, when she does, it is always with context to the situation or subject at hand. Apart from setting a positive example of getting married and exuberantly have 3 kids in 5 years, she does not want to draw people in to her own life. She is already getting lots of attention as a media sensation that she would not want to bring any more attention to her kids. That’s not her brand, that’s not how she makes money. Nonetheless, that HAS what so many mothers have turned their online presence into: a celebration and “branding” of motherhood.
These women don’t realize it but brands are exactly what they’ve turned their husband and, now, their babies into. A bunch of POV videos and “totally candid” captures of their family life. Every time I get onto FB I wish Zuck could pay someone already to do a mute button on all family and romance pics. And, to not become a hypocrite when I finally do get married and have kids, I have already assigned a friend as an accountability partner in my life to keep me in check: “please slap me if I ever start posting pics of my baby who had no rights to the photographs being put out into the ether,” I tell my friend. Because I can sense how temping it must be — especially when so many close friends and mothers around you are partaking in this oversharing. They think it’s like some innocent innocuous activity — yes and no — but the negatives moreso outweigh the cons. Need I mention all the perverts out there?? Do your research and you’ll know what I’m referring to.
There’s ya girl in red in a pond of testoserone. She didn’t use her pregnancy as crutch or excuse. Candace rolls with the big dogs as her equal like feminists love to promote — the only difference is Candace is a staunch anti-feminist (in what the modern definition of the term denotes which, if you peel back the layers, is NOT pro woman at all). Although proud of being a woman and her femininity, she does not platform those things like feminists do everyday in order to get ahead in the media talking head industry of big dog males of which she is surrounded by. She uses purely her intellect.
Now, on face value, I am SO used to seeing women documenting every bit of their preganacy journey on social media that I thought Candace’s approach towards each birth of her children was less than enthusiastic. One would think she would lay out more family pics on her personal IG page and what not but, oh no, she keeps them closed off like precious lockets pendants on her chest — only to be opened and shown to people in her private circle. That is the nuance of privacy, someone’s private life shrouded with intentionality to preserve its sacredness of such familial and mother journeys — not it’s secretiveness but sacredness. There is a difference. I strive to live like that when I have a husband and children. Whenever I try to practice holding back on posting about my private life online, I just pretend its 1995 when mothers and wives had no access to social media and people were just living their family lives and giving updates through snail mail and landline phone calls.
A modern example of a newlywed perpetually pregnant women — who surely could have capitalized off the feminist motherhood trope “look at me, I can DO IT ALL!”— and yet Candace doesn’t brag outwardly about it, nor does she use it to get sympathy if someone is attacking her that day (which many ppl do). What is her armor you ask? Well, it’s a form of narcisism for sure. Narcissism comes in a lot of different forms and all your favorite media talking heads, much like politicians, have had to adopt a form of it to combat the crud of online attacks they receive daily from dissenters. It’s almost a form of job security — if you don’t have it, you won’t survive out there. Not all forms of Narcissism are bad like we love to label its umbrella mother word “Narcissism”. There are offshoots of it that are net positive for individuals and society as a whole to further the growth and survival of the tribal leadership of humans.
Her quiet confidence helps her thrive playing with the big dogs in society. A lot of men’s sole genetic code is to fight to the top of their field and reproduce monetarily and intellectually because they don’t have a womb and can’t grow life — but Candace excels in both. In fact, she barely made it known sitting behind that desk at DW with the table covering much of her belly for each of her 9 month gestations. When the 8th month did roll around she would do a side announcement like, “Ok guys, so I will be going on maternity leave in a couple weeks to birth my baby!” as if she were going on a long Target errand. Her forthcoming voice makes her a tour de force in the media but, without her chill almost incognito energy of motherhood, you would never know she had a family — or husband. Unless she has a “work mask” that she takes off to disarm herself everytime she goes home, I don’t know how any man’s ego could handle the mere presence of such a formidable woman like Candace Owens.
George meeting Candace — I could do a whole blog post on that, alone. I am FASCINATED by this pairing — mostly the efficiency of George asking Candace her hand in marriage less than 15 days after their first meet. That’s not normal, nor is it wise for most people — but, hey, after 5 years of marriage G & C have pulled it off elegantly well. You do not need several months or years to know who you want to marry. In fact, I thought most stories like this were only reserved for army men who met and married their brides because of WAR — not so much love — compelled them to grow up fast, snatch a good women while they could before being shipped off. Ah, gone are are those days of yesteryear courtship, enter Arrested Development where people can’t even decide if they want to get married after a YEAR of dating. But no George had no War to get to, he simply saw a women he wanted and went for it — no bullsh** 1 to 2 year dating story here!
I always thought my dating story would unfold in that oldschool way because I am a huge believer and proponant of short courting periods. Could their be a scientific reason behind that? Yes. Here’s a little lesson for all the so-called “high value men” out there (that subjective term makes m cringe and needs to be retired): did you know women are dropping not just one egg per month but 1,000? Yes, we are losing 1,000 precious eggs per month when we have our periods. Now you get why something happening to us on a molecular level is translated to a macro level through our emotions in that we don’t want to waste time in the dating space. So it is no wonder that we get anxiety when we still don’t know what’s in the books after we are dating after a couple months. Women, wake up and don’t be fooled: actions DO speak louder than words. And if a man is still dragging his feet after a year of dating you then save your sanity — and your fertility — for a better prospect.
There’s like 5 photos of George and Candace on the internet and I kinda like it — I’m exaggerating numbers but it’s low compared to most public figures. How refreshing for once, like I said for a woman not to brand her marriage 5 seconds after saying her vows. Maybe wait 10 years of being married before you start espousing all that it takes to be a good wife. I know Candace makes quips about her marriage (letting people know just enough about having a healthy marriage is key) and she has had him on her show a couple times over the course of many years since they have known eachother, but I love the shroud of mystery and sacred guardrail they put around their marraige so as not to let other’s opinions seep in or trying to make others jealous. Because, I am kind of jealous inside: 3 babies in 5 years — mocha, too, they must be SO CUTE! Also, to think George knew you were the one after like 12 days of conversaiton and not having even kissed you!
Most women after the age of 30 can’t stand the dating BS and just want to get to married and have babies already. My friend has a really good word for it: auditioning. We are auditioning for the role of wife to a man and mother of his child. There are many cases of women auditioning to several guys within one calendar year, while some other women audition loyally to one man for years — in both cases, marriage, unfortunately, does not spring from it. How dispairing. So, when I heard about the way George locked it down with Candace I was like, encore to that scenario! In the midst of a world where men are handicapped by influx of choice (thc dating apps), objectification of women and inepetitude of red pill podcast bros turning them away from marriag, George Farmer knew what he wanted and Candace reciprocated the attraction right back. What a beautiful unicorn of coupledom story that I wish existed more today…
Like Rihanna, Candace is Afro Caribbean and those girls have an X Factor atittude in the blood: they don’t give a fudge. You can see it in Rihanna with her musical collection and outside of her music the way she carries herself in the world though fashion and her biz ventures. THESE GIRLS BE HUSTLING. I remember when that song came out “Bitch Better Have My Money” trolling a former woman who used to work for her. Likewise, I love it when Candace trolls and exposes public personas for who they really are. Speaking her mind and tapping into the Pandora’s Box of taboo topics, I think Candace is the Rihanna of the conservative talk world. If Rihanna were a conservative pundit (is that a word?) she would be Candace who, as the world can see, nails modest fashion everytime.
P.S. to the genius photoshopper who works for GQ — you forgot to clean up a spot (there is a gap between the bottom of Cheeto bag and black jacket).
Candace has been boots on the ground these past 6 years trying to clean up Hoe & Woke country by going to college campuses and getting down in the debate trenches while fully pregnant and wading through the muck of several WHATEVER podcast appearances. Meanwhile Kim K makes the GQ Man of the Year cover. Make it make sense. Oh wait, if it did make sense in our crazy economy then GQ might be in the toilet by bowing to any semblance of descency and commonsense. Therefore KimK was the perfect pick for “man of the year’. And, we all know, in commonsense country, the accolade for Best Woman of the Year would be CandaceO… and, as she would say, that’s all I’m going to say about that.
Running with….Candace? That “What is our leader going to say?!” scene is my favorite in the movie Forrest Gump. Waiting with anticipation, this is a metaphor for me and the millions of others who watch Candace everyday. Save for the fact that Forrest says nothing profound or intellectual here, compared to what Candace says on a daily basis when she has the undivided attention of millions of supporters who are all eyes and ears waiting for her monolgue speeches. Running with renegade jogger Forrest throughout America is what its like to tune into Candace Owens every day….